
Nominations for the IGF MAG 2019

Nominations are now closed.

The 2019 Nomination Committee (NOMCOM) that arose from the Internet Technical Collaboration Group (ITCG) working along with the Internet Society (ISOC) is pleased to put forward the following slate of new candidates for consideration by the United Nations as representatives to the 2020 Internet Governance Forum’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG):

  • Kevon Swift, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Eduardo Santoyo, Colombia

In addition to these new candidates, the Internet Society would like to endorse the continuing participation in the MAG of the following individuals:

  • Sylvia Cadena
  • Veni Markovski
  • Karen McCabe
  • Lucien Castex
  • Rajesh Chharia
  • Afi Edoh

Finally, a justification for each individual has been filed online with the UN.

This NOMCOM has been convened after the call for MAG candidates was issued, and worked through the months of May and June. Given the UN parameters, applications were proposed from the Latin American and the Caribbean technical community list. In making our selection, the NOMCOM has taken the individuals’ abilities and accomplishments into account, as well as the UN candidate requirements. The NOMCOM considered the need for continuity within the MAG when examining continuing candidates.

The NOMCOM would like to thank all applicants for their applications and willingness to devote time to this important process.

The members of the Internet Technical Collaboration Group NOMCOM for 2019 were:

  • Miguel Estrada (chair)
  • Nigel Hickson
  • Pablo Hinojosa
  • Michael Nelson
  • Raquel Gatto
  • Paula Real (ISOC support)